Rainforest Mentors

New Mexico Rainforest University Center provides Site Mentors to be availableĀ as an interface for any questions and to serve as a connection point for resources related to your entrepreneurial endeavors or training.

Please reach out info@innovations.unm.edu to further connect you to a mentor.


Mytegia Lee

Site Mentor

Ms. Lee is the Executive Director of the Southwest Native Assets Coalition (SNAC). Prior to joining SNAC she worked in the commercial banking and financing services industry providing credit analysis, financial education as well as small dollar loan origination and servicing throughout western New Mexico. Her diligence, attention to detail, commitment to customer service reflect her sincere interest in helping rural households secure optimal economic outcomes. Prior to working in the financial services industry, Ms. Lee worked as a social services liaison for the Eastern Agency of the Navajo Nation providing community members access to burial assistance, low-income home energy assistance, and other emergency funding. Ms. Lee is bi-lingual, a skilled silversmith and rancher and mother of three. Ms. Lee is from the community of Manuelito and is an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation.


Stacy Sacco

Site Mentor

For the past 20 years, Mr. Stacy Sacco has taught entrepreneurial studies at the UNM Anderson School of Management, and served as the Director of the UNM Small Business Institute. He currently is the President of Sacco Connections, a management consulting firm, and hosts a free, informational website, with 3,000+ links to local jobs, events and resources.